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  • Serves 4550 destitute, abandoned & helpless elderly women (we call them ‘mothers’) every month
  • Operates presently in Vrindavan and Radhakund, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • The elderly women and widows above 60 years of age, have been left all alone

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  • Their circumstances range from death of all family members to abuse & being cast out by their own husband & children
  • In the least fortunate cases, these widows have been cast out by their families due to an outdated social custom of isolation of widow, after her husband’s death
  • Most of them belong to the distant & backward parts of the states of Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal
  • PYPCT Sevaks have opened their hearts and souls and given these mothers a family
  • Listen to mothers’ stories of survival with utmost trust & faith, in the featured video
  • Our humble attempt is to share love, care and compassion with these mothers for the betterment of their physical, emotional and spiritual being
  • GIVE FOR CHANGE  – If you too feel inspired to offer your seva for this cause, please feel free to do so by clicking the button

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